
View Source
import warnings
import requests
from pandas import DataFrame
from astropy.time import Time
from astropy.table import Table
from astropy.coordinates import SkyCoord
from urllib.parse import urlencode

class SBIdent:
	A class for querying the JPL Small Body Identification API:

	json : dict
		The full json response from the API query.
	summary : dict
		The summary response from the API query.
	data_field : str
		The dictionary key that indicates which response type the API returned.
	results : astropy.table
		The list of objects returned by the API query.
	uri : str
		The URI that is generated by the object instantiation.

	API_VERSION = '1.0'
	The API version this code expects from JPL.

	def __init__(self, location=None, obstime=None, fov=None, precision='high', hwidth=None, elem=False, maglim=None, 
							magreq=True, filters=None, request=True):

		location : str or dict, required
			The observer location.  Can be an MPC observatory code string or a dictionary of the following formats specified in the API documentation: geodetic coordinates, parallax, geocentric state vector or heliocentric state vector.
		obstime : numeric or time, required
			The time of observation.  Can be numeric in which case it is assumed to be a Julian date.  Otherwise use a time object.
		fov : SkyCoord or list-like of SkyCoord or dict, required
			Field of view.  Specify a center-based field of view with a SkyCoord or an edge based field of view with a list (of length 2) of SkyCoords.
		hwidth : numeric or list-like, optional
			Half width of the field of view (in degrees) when field of view specified by a center-based SkyCoord.  If hwdith is a single numeric value both RA and DEC will have the same width.  If hwidth is list-like the RA and DEC width will correspond to the first and second elements of the list respectively.  API defaults to 0.5 if not specified.  Ignored if not using a center-based field of view.  default: None
		precision : 'low' or 'high', optional
			Fidelity of the model used to calculate object position.  'low' is a two-body model, 'high' is a numerically integrated force model. default: 'high'
		elem : bool, optional
			When true return osculating orbital elements instead of RA and DEC. default: False
		maglim : numeric, optional
			Upper bound on the visual magnitude of the objects returned. default: None
		magreq : bool, optional
			Only return objects with defined visual magnitudes when true. default: True
		filters : dict, optional
			A dictionary that will be passed directly to the API as key=value pairs in order to support SBDB filtering as defined by the API documentation. default : None
		request : bool, optional
			When false the API URI is formed but the request is not made. default : True

		# initializing some attributes
		self.json = None
		self.summary = None
		self.data_field = None
		self.results = Table()

		# minimal warning format
		warnings.formatwarning = lambda msg, *args, **kwargs: f'Warning: {msg}\n'

		# args: elem, magreq, request
		# test boolean arguments are boolean and set
		for a in ['elem', 'magreq', 'request']:
			if not isinstance(eval(a), bool):
				raise TypeError("'{}' must be either True or False".format(a))

		self.elem = elem
		self.req_elem = {'req-elem': str(elem).lower()}

		self.magreq = magreq
		self.mag_required = {'mag-required': str(magreq).lower()}

		self.request = request

		# test maglim is numeric or None
		if isinstance(maglim, (int,float)): 
			self.maglim = float(maglim)
			self.vmag_lim = {'vmag-lim': self.maglim}
		elif maglim==None:
			self.maglim = maglim
			self.vmag_lim = None
			raise TypeError("'maglim' must be either numeric or None")

		# test precision is either 'high' or 'low'
		if precision not in ['high', 'low']:
			raise TypeError("precision values must be either 'high' or 'low'")

		self.precision = precision
		self.two_pass = {'two-pass': str(self.precision=='high').lower()}
		self.suppress_first_pass = {'suppress-first-pass': str(self.precision=='high').lower()}

		# test filters is dict
		if isinstance(filters, dict) or filters==None:
			self.filters = filters
			raise TypeError("filters must be either a dictionary or None")

		# parse location
		if isinstance(location, str):
			# using observatory mpc-code location
			self.location = {'mpc-code': location}
		elif isinstance(location, dict):
			if ('mpc-code' in location):
				# using observatory mpc-code location
				self.location = {'mpc-code': location['mpc-code']}
			elif ('lat' in location and 'lon' in location and 'alt' in location):
				# using geodetic location 
				self.location = {k:location[k] for k in ['lat', 'lon', 'alt']}
			elif ('lon' in location and 'dxy' in location and 'dz' in location):
				# using parallax location 
				self.location = {k:location[k] for k in ['lon', 'dxy', 'dz']}
			elif ('xobs' in location):
				# using geocentric location 
				self.location = {'xobs': location['xobs']}
			elif ('xobs-hel' in location):
				# using heliocentric location 
				self.location = {'xobs-hel': location['xobs-hel']}
				# location missing some required fields
				raise ValueError("'location' argument missing some required fields")
				# location type unexpected
				raise TypeError("Unexpected argument type for 'location'. Must be string or dictionary.")

		# parse obstime; handle string, float (jdate), Time or dict
		if isinstance(obstime, str):
			# passing UTC string
			self.obstime = {'obs-time': obstime}
		elif isinstance(obstime, float):
			# assumes float is jdate
			self.obstime = {'obs-time': Time(obstime, format='jd', precision=0).utc.iso}
		elif isinstance(obstime, Time):
			# passing Time object
			obstime.precision = 0
			self.obstime = {'obs-time': obstime.utc.iso}
		elif isinstance(obstime, dict) and 'obs-time' in obstime:
			self.obstime = obstime
			# obstime type unexpected
			raise TypeError("Unexpected argument type for 'obstime'. Must be string, float (jdate) or Time.")

		if isinstance(fov, SkyCoord):
			# if fov is of type SkyCoord get a center relative fov 
			radec_jpl = self.skycoord_to_jplstr(fov)
			fov = {'fov-ra-center': radec_jpl[0], 'fov-dec-center': radec_jpl[1]}
		elif isinstance(fov, (tuple, list)) and len(fov)==2 and all(isinstance(f, SkyCoord) for f in fov):
			# if fov is a list or tuple of SkyCoords we treat it as an edge type field of view
			radec_jpl0 = self.skycoord_to_jplstr(fov[0])
			radec_jpl1 = self.skycoord_to_jplstr(fov[1])
			fov = {'fov-ra-lim': "{},{}".format(radec_jpl0[0],radec_jpl1[0]), 'fov-dec-lim': "{},{}".format(radec_jpl0[1],radec_jpl1[1])}
		# handle hwidth - this has precedence if it's defined
		if hwidth is not None:
			if isinstance(hwidth, (tuple, list)) and len(hwidth)==2:
				fov['fov-ra-hwidth'] = str(hwidth[0])
				fov['fov-dec-hwidth'] = str(hwidth[1])
			elif isinstance(hwidth, (int, float)):
				fov['fov-ra-hwidth'] = str(hwidth)
				fov['fov-dec-hwidth'] = str(hwidth)
				#unexpected hwidth type
				raise TypeError("Unexpected argument type for 'hwidth'; must be either numeric or list-like of numerics of length 2")
		# continued fov parsing
		if isinstance(fov, dict):
			if ('fov-ra-center' in fov and 'fov-dec-center' in fov):
				# center fov method
				self.fov = {k:fov[k] for k in ['fov-ra-center', 'fov-dec-center']}

				if 'fov-ra-hwidth' in fov:
					self.fov['fov-ra-hwidth'] = fov['fov-ra-hwidth']

				if 'fov-dec-hwidth' in fov:
					self.fov['fov-dec-hwidth'] = fov['fov-dec-hwidth']
			elif ('fov-ra-lim' in fov and 'fov-dec-lim' in fov):
				# edge fov method - warn if hwidth defined
				self.fov = {k:fov[k] for k in ['fov-ra-lim', 'fov-dec-lim']}
				if hwidth is not None:
					warnings.warn("'hwidth' ignored when using an edge-based field of view")
				# fov missing some required fields
				raise ValueError("'fov' argument missing required keys")
			# fov type unexpected
			raise TypeError("Unexpected argument type for 'fov'; must be either SkyCoord or dictionary")


		if request:
			self.request = False

	def __repr__(self):
		show representation of object in terms that are instantiate-able

		repr = "<SBIdent(location={l}, obstime={t}, fov={fov}, filters={op}, precision='{p}', maglim={ml}, magreq={mr}, request={req})>"
		return repr.format(l=self.location, t=self.obstime, fov=self.fov, op=self.filters, p=self.precision, ml=self.maglim,
											mr=self.magreq, req=self.request)

	def form_uri(self):
		Forms the URI from parameters specified by instantiation.

		base_uri = ""

		params = {}
		build = [self.location, self.obstime, self.fov, self.two_pass, self.suppress_first_pass, self.vmag_lim, 
						self.mag_required, self.req_elem]

		for b in build:
			if b is not None:

		self.uri = base_uri + urlencode(params)

		if self.filters is not None:
			self.uri = self.uri + "&" + urlencode(self.filters)

		return self.uri

	def read_uri(self):
		Makes the API request and checks for warnings or errors in the response.

		# read & set json
		response = requests.get(self.uri)
		json = response.json()
		self.json = json

		# report API error if one exists
		if 'code' in self.json:
			raise SystemError("API error: {}".format(self.json['message']))

		# warn if API version is unexpected
		ver = self.json['signature']['version']
		if ver != self.API_VERSION:
			version_warning = "Expected API version '{ev}' but response indicated version '{v}'. Unexpected behavior possible."

	def parse_json(self):
		Parses the json returned for the API and sets attributes for the objects returned.

		# make sure json exists
		if self.json is None:
			raise UnboundLocalError("No json to parse in API response")

		# report API warning if one exists
		if 'warning' in self.json:
			warnings.warn("API warning: {}".format(self.json['warning']))

		# set summary
		self.summary = self.json['summary']

		# set results to the most precise results present
		data_fields = ['data_second_pass', 'data_first_pass', 'elem_first_pass', 'elem_second_pass']
		for d in data_fields:
			if d in self.json:
				self.data_field = d

		# no data returned
		if self.data_field is None:

		# column fields depend on first or second pass selection
		if 'first' in self.data_field:
			col_field = 'fields_first'
			count_field = 'n_first_pass'
			col_field = 'fields_second'
			count_field = 'n_second_pass'

		# the actual json parse
		rows = self.json[self.data_field]
		columns = self.json[col_field]
		df = DataFrame(rows, columns=columns)
		results = Table.from_pandas(df)
		self.results = results

	def make_request(self):
		Make the API call and parse return.  Usually for when object instantiated with 'request=False' and thus no API request was made initially.


	def skycoord_to_jplstr(cls,c):
		Class method that converts a SkyCoord to a list with the JPL Small Body Identification RA and DEC strings.

		c : SkyCoord
			The SkyCoord that you want to convert to a JPL string.

		cstr = c.icrs.to_string('hmsdms', sep=":", precision=2)
		radec_jpl = cstr.replace('-','M').replace(':','-').split(' ')

		return radec_jpl
#   class SBIdent:
View Source
class SBIdent:
	A class for querying the JPL Small Body Identification API:

	json : dict
		The full json response from the API query.
	summary : dict
		The summary response from the API query.
	data_field : str
		The dictionary key that indicates which response type the API returned.
	results : astropy.table
		The list of objects returned by the API query.
	uri : str
		The URI that is generated by the object instantiation.

	API_VERSION = '1.0'
	The API version this code expects from JPL.

	def __init__(self, location=None, obstime=None, fov=None, precision='high', hwidth=None, elem=False, maglim=None, 
							magreq=True, filters=None, request=True):

		location : str or dict, required
			The observer location.  Can be an MPC observatory code string or a dictionary of the following formats specified in the API documentation: geodetic coordinates, parallax, geocentric state vector or heliocentric state vector.
		obstime : numeric or time, required
			The time of observation.  Can be numeric in which case it is assumed to be a Julian date.  Otherwise use a time object.
		fov : SkyCoord or list-like of SkyCoord or dict, required
			Field of view.  Specify a center-based field of view with a SkyCoord or an edge based field of view with a list (of length 2) of SkyCoords.
		hwidth : numeric or list-like, optional
			Half width of the field of view (in degrees) when field of view specified by a center-based SkyCoord.  If hwdith is a single numeric value both RA and DEC will have the same width.  If hwidth is list-like the RA and DEC width will correspond to the first and second elements of the list respectively.  API defaults to 0.5 if not specified.  Ignored if not using a center-based field of view.  default: None
		precision : 'low' or 'high', optional
			Fidelity of the model used to calculate object position.  'low' is a two-body model, 'high' is a numerically integrated force model. default: 'high'
		elem : bool, optional
			When true return osculating orbital elements instead of RA and DEC. default: False
		maglim : numeric, optional
			Upper bound on the visual magnitude of the objects returned. default: None
		magreq : bool, optional
			Only return objects with defined visual magnitudes when true. default: True
		filters : dict, optional
			A dictionary that will be passed directly to the API as key=value pairs in order to support SBDB filtering as defined by the API documentation. default : None
		request : bool, optional
			When false the API URI is formed but the request is not made. default : True

		# initializing some attributes
		self.json = None
		self.summary = None
		self.data_field = None
		self.results = Table()

		# minimal warning format
		warnings.formatwarning = lambda msg, *args, **kwargs: f'Warning: {msg}\n'

		# args: elem, magreq, request
		# test boolean arguments are boolean and set
		for a in ['elem', 'magreq', 'request']:
			if not isinstance(eval(a), bool):
				raise TypeError("'{}' must be either True or False".format(a))

		self.elem = elem
		self.req_elem = {'req-elem': str(elem).lower()}

		self.magreq = magreq
		self.mag_required = {'mag-required': str(magreq).lower()}

		self.request = request

		# test maglim is numeric or None
		if isinstance(maglim, (int,float)): 
			self.maglim = float(maglim)
			self.vmag_lim = {'vmag-lim': self.maglim}
		elif maglim==None:
			self.maglim = maglim
			self.vmag_lim = None
			raise TypeError("'maglim' must be either numeric or None")

		# test precision is either 'high' or 'low'
		if precision not in ['high', 'low']:
			raise TypeError("precision values must be either 'high' or 'low'")

		self.precision = precision
		self.two_pass = {'two-pass': str(self.precision=='high').lower()}
		self.suppress_first_pass = {'suppress-first-pass': str(self.precision=='high').lower()}

		# test filters is dict
		if isinstance(filters, dict) or filters==None:
			self.filters = filters
			raise TypeError("filters must be either a dictionary or None")

		# parse location
		if isinstance(location, str):
			# using observatory mpc-code location
			self.location = {'mpc-code': location}
		elif isinstance(location, dict):
			if ('mpc-code' in location):
				# using observatory mpc-code location
				self.location = {'mpc-code': location['mpc-code']}
			elif ('lat' in location and 'lon' in location and 'alt' in location):
				# using geodetic location 
				self.location = {k:location[k] for k in ['lat', 'lon', 'alt']}
			elif ('lon' in location and 'dxy' in location and 'dz' in location):
				# using parallax location 
				self.location = {k:location[k] for k in ['lon', 'dxy', 'dz']}
			elif ('xobs' in location):
				# using geocentric location 
				self.location = {'xobs': location['xobs']}
			elif ('xobs-hel' in location):
				# using heliocentric location 
				self.location = {'xobs-hel': location['xobs-hel']}
				# location missing some required fields
				raise ValueError("'location' argument missing some required fields")
				# location type unexpected
				raise TypeError("Unexpected argument type for 'location'. Must be string or dictionary.")

		# parse obstime; handle string, float (jdate), Time or dict
		if isinstance(obstime, str):
			# passing UTC string
			self.obstime = {'obs-time': obstime}
		elif isinstance(obstime, float):
			# assumes float is jdate
			self.obstime = {'obs-time': Time(obstime, format='jd', precision=0).utc.iso}
		elif isinstance(obstime, Time):
			# passing Time object
			obstime.precision = 0
			self.obstime = {'obs-time': obstime.utc.iso}
		elif isinstance(obstime, dict) and 'obs-time' in obstime:
			self.obstime = obstime
			# obstime type unexpected
			raise TypeError("Unexpected argument type for 'obstime'. Must be string, float (jdate) or Time.")

		if isinstance(fov, SkyCoord):
			# if fov is of type SkyCoord get a center relative fov 
			radec_jpl = self.skycoord_to_jplstr(fov)
			fov = {'fov-ra-center': radec_jpl[0], 'fov-dec-center': radec_jpl[1]}
		elif isinstance(fov, (tuple, list)) and len(fov)==2 and all(isinstance(f, SkyCoord) for f in fov):
			# if fov is a list or tuple of SkyCoords we treat it as an edge type field of view
			radec_jpl0 = self.skycoord_to_jplstr(fov[0])
			radec_jpl1 = self.skycoord_to_jplstr(fov[1])
			fov = {'fov-ra-lim': "{},{}".format(radec_jpl0[0],radec_jpl1[0]), 'fov-dec-lim': "{},{}".format(radec_jpl0[1],radec_jpl1[1])}
		# handle hwidth - this has precedence if it's defined
		if hwidth is not None:
			if isinstance(hwidth, (tuple, list)) and len(hwidth)==2:
				fov['fov-ra-hwidth'] = str(hwidth[0])
				fov['fov-dec-hwidth'] = str(hwidth[1])
			elif isinstance(hwidth, (int, float)):
				fov['fov-ra-hwidth'] = str(hwidth)
				fov['fov-dec-hwidth'] = str(hwidth)
				#unexpected hwidth type
				raise TypeError("Unexpected argument type for 'hwidth'; must be either numeric or list-like of numerics of length 2")
		# continued fov parsing
		if isinstance(fov, dict):
			if ('fov-ra-center' in fov and 'fov-dec-center' in fov):
				# center fov method
				self.fov = {k:fov[k] for k in ['fov-ra-center', 'fov-dec-center']}

				if 'fov-ra-hwidth' in fov:
					self.fov['fov-ra-hwidth'] = fov['fov-ra-hwidth']

				if 'fov-dec-hwidth' in fov:
					self.fov['fov-dec-hwidth'] = fov['fov-dec-hwidth']
			elif ('fov-ra-lim' in fov and 'fov-dec-lim' in fov):
				# edge fov method - warn if hwidth defined
				self.fov = {k:fov[k] for k in ['fov-ra-lim', 'fov-dec-lim']}
				if hwidth is not None:
					warnings.warn("'hwidth' ignored when using an edge-based field of view")
				# fov missing some required fields
				raise ValueError("'fov' argument missing required keys")
			# fov type unexpected
			raise TypeError("Unexpected argument type for 'fov'; must be either SkyCoord or dictionary")


		if request:
			self.request = False

	def __repr__(self):
		show representation of object in terms that are instantiate-able

		repr = "<SBIdent(location={l}, obstime={t}, fov={fov}, filters={op}, precision='{p}', maglim={ml}, magreq={mr}, request={req})>"
		return repr.format(l=self.location, t=self.obstime, fov=self.fov, op=self.filters, p=self.precision, ml=self.maglim,
											mr=self.magreq, req=self.request)

	def form_uri(self):
		Forms the URI from parameters specified by instantiation.

		base_uri = ""

		params = {}
		build = [self.location, self.obstime, self.fov, self.two_pass, self.suppress_first_pass, self.vmag_lim, 
						self.mag_required, self.req_elem]

		for b in build:
			if b is not None:

		self.uri = base_uri + urlencode(params)

		if self.filters is not None:
			self.uri = self.uri + "&" + urlencode(self.filters)

		return self.uri

	def read_uri(self):
		Makes the API request and checks for warnings or errors in the response.

		# read & set json
		response = requests.get(self.uri)
		json = response.json()
		self.json = json

		# report API error if one exists
		if 'code' in self.json:
			raise SystemError("API error: {}".format(self.json['message']))

		# warn if API version is unexpected
		ver = self.json['signature']['version']
		if ver != self.API_VERSION:
			version_warning = "Expected API version '{ev}' but response indicated version '{v}'. Unexpected behavior possible."

	def parse_json(self):
		Parses the json returned for the API and sets attributes for the objects returned.

		# make sure json exists
		if self.json is None:
			raise UnboundLocalError("No json to parse in API response")

		# report API warning if one exists
		if 'warning' in self.json:
			warnings.warn("API warning: {}".format(self.json['warning']))

		# set summary
		self.summary = self.json['summary']

		# set results to the most precise results present
		data_fields = ['data_second_pass', 'data_first_pass', 'elem_first_pass', 'elem_second_pass']
		for d in data_fields:
			if d in self.json:
				self.data_field = d

		# no data returned
		if self.data_field is None:

		# column fields depend on first or second pass selection
		if 'first' in self.data_field:
			col_field = 'fields_first'
			count_field = 'n_first_pass'
			col_field = 'fields_second'
			count_field = 'n_second_pass'

		# the actual json parse
		rows = self.json[self.data_field]
		columns = self.json[col_field]
		df = DataFrame(rows, columns=columns)
		results = Table.from_pandas(df)
		self.results = results

	def make_request(self):
		Make the API call and parse return.  Usually for when object instantiated with 'request=False' and thus no API request was made initially.


	def skycoord_to_jplstr(cls,c):
		Class method that converts a SkyCoord to a list with the JPL Small Body Identification RA and DEC strings.

		c : SkyCoord
			The SkyCoord that you want to convert to a JPL string.

		cstr = c.icrs.to_string('hmsdms', sep=":", precision=2)
		radec_jpl = cstr.replace('-','M').replace(':','-').split(' ')

		return radec_jpl

A class for querying the JPL Small Body Identification API:

  • json (dict): The full json response from the API query.
  • summary (dict): The summary response from the API query.
  • data_field (str): The dictionary key that indicates which response type the API returned.
  • results (astropy.table): The list of objects returned by the API query.
  • uri (str): The URI that is generated by the object instantiation.
#   SBIdent( location=None, obstime=None, fov=None, precision='high', hwidth=None, elem=False, maglim=None, magreq=True, filters=None, request=True )
View Source
	def __init__(self, location=None, obstime=None, fov=None, precision='high', hwidth=None, elem=False, maglim=None, 
							magreq=True, filters=None, request=True):

		location : str or dict, required
			The observer location.  Can be an MPC observatory code string or a dictionary of the following formats specified in the API documentation: geodetic coordinates, parallax, geocentric state vector or heliocentric state vector.
		obstime : numeric or time, required
			The time of observation.  Can be numeric in which case it is assumed to be a Julian date.  Otherwise use a time object.
		fov : SkyCoord or list-like of SkyCoord or dict, required
			Field of view.  Specify a center-based field of view with a SkyCoord or an edge based field of view with a list (of length 2) of SkyCoords.
		hwidth : numeric or list-like, optional
			Half width of the field of view (in degrees) when field of view specified by a center-based SkyCoord.  If hwdith is a single numeric value both RA and DEC will have the same width.  If hwidth is list-like the RA and DEC width will correspond to the first and second elements of the list respectively.  API defaults to 0.5 if not specified.  Ignored if not using a center-based field of view.  default: None
		precision : 'low' or 'high', optional
			Fidelity of the model used to calculate object position.  'low' is a two-body model, 'high' is a numerically integrated force model. default: 'high'
		elem : bool, optional
			When true return osculating orbital elements instead of RA and DEC. default: False
		maglim : numeric, optional
			Upper bound on the visual magnitude of the objects returned. default: None
		magreq : bool, optional
			Only return objects with defined visual magnitudes when true. default: True
		filters : dict, optional
			A dictionary that will be passed directly to the API as key=value pairs in order to support SBDB filtering as defined by the API documentation. default : None
		request : bool, optional
			When false the API URI is formed but the request is not made. default : True

		# initializing some attributes
		self.json = None
		self.summary = None
		self.data_field = None
		self.results = Table()

		# minimal warning format
		warnings.formatwarning = lambda msg, *args, **kwargs: f'Warning: {msg}\n'

		# args: elem, magreq, request
		# test boolean arguments are boolean and set
		for a in ['elem', 'magreq', 'request']:
			if not isinstance(eval(a), bool):
				raise TypeError("'{}' must be either True or False".format(a))

		self.elem = elem
		self.req_elem = {'req-elem': str(elem).lower()}

		self.magreq = magreq
		self.mag_required = {'mag-required': str(magreq).lower()}

		self.request = request

		# test maglim is numeric or None
		if isinstance(maglim, (int,float)): 
			self.maglim = float(maglim)
			self.vmag_lim = {'vmag-lim': self.maglim}
		elif maglim==None:
			self.maglim = maglim
			self.vmag_lim = None
			raise TypeError("'maglim' must be either numeric or None")

		# test precision is either 'high' or 'low'
		if precision not in ['high', 'low']:
			raise TypeError("precision values must be either 'high' or 'low'")

		self.precision = precision
		self.two_pass = {'two-pass': str(self.precision=='high').lower()}
		self.suppress_first_pass = {'suppress-first-pass': str(self.precision=='high').lower()}

		# test filters is dict
		if isinstance(filters, dict) or filters==None:
			self.filters = filters
			raise TypeError("filters must be either a dictionary or None")

		# parse location
		if isinstance(location, str):
			# using observatory mpc-code location
			self.location = {'mpc-code': location}
		elif isinstance(location, dict):
			if ('mpc-code' in location):
				# using observatory mpc-code location
				self.location = {'mpc-code': location['mpc-code']}
			elif ('lat' in location and 'lon' in location and 'alt' in location):
				# using geodetic location 
				self.location = {k:location[k] for k in ['lat', 'lon', 'alt']}
			elif ('lon' in location and 'dxy' in location and 'dz' in location):
				# using parallax location 
				self.location = {k:location[k] for k in ['lon', 'dxy', 'dz']}
			elif ('xobs' in location):
				# using geocentric location 
				self.location = {'xobs': location['xobs']}
			elif ('xobs-hel' in location):
				# using heliocentric location 
				self.location = {'xobs-hel': location['xobs-hel']}
				# location missing some required fields
				raise ValueError("'location' argument missing some required fields")
				# location type unexpected
				raise TypeError("Unexpected argument type for 'location'. Must be string or dictionary.")

		# parse obstime; handle string, float (jdate), Time or dict
		if isinstance(obstime, str):
			# passing UTC string
			self.obstime = {'obs-time': obstime}
		elif isinstance(obstime, float):
			# assumes float is jdate
			self.obstime = {'obs-time': Time(obstime, format='jd', precision=0).utc.iso}
		elif isinstance(obstime, Time):
			# passing Time object
			obstime.precision = 0
			self.obstime = {'obs-time': obstime.utc.iso}
		elif isinstance(obstime, dict) and 'obs-time' in obstime:
			self.obstime = obstime
			# obstime type unexpected
			raise TypeError("Unexpected argument type for 'obstime'. Must be string, float (jdate) or Time.")

		if isinstance(fov, SkyCoord):
			# if fov is of type SkyCoord get a center relative fov 
			radec_jpl = self.skycoord_to_jplstr(fov)
			fov = {'fov-ra-center': radec_jpl[0], 'fov-dec-center': radec_jpl[1]}
		elif isinstance(fov, (tuple, list)) and len(fov)==2 and all(isinstance(f, SkyCoord) for f in fov):
			# if fov is a list or tuple of SkyCoords we treat it as an edge type field of view
			radec_jpl0 = self.skycoord_to_jplstr(fov[0])
			radec_jpl1 = self.skycoord_to_jplstr(fov[1])
			fov = {'fov-ra-lim': "{},{}".format(radec_jpl0[0],radec_jpl1[0]), 'fov-dec-lim': "{},{}".format(radec_jpl0[1],radec_jpl1[1])}
		# handle hwidth - this has precedence if it's defined
		if hwidth is not None:
			if isinstance(hwidth, (tuple, list)) and len(hwidth)==2:
				fov['fov-ra-hwidth'] = str(hwidth[0])
				fov['fov-dec-hwidth'] = str(hwidth[1])
			elif isinstance(hwidth, (int, float)):
				fov['fov-ra-hwidth'] = str(hwidth)
				fov['fov-dec-hwidth'] = str(hwidth)
				#unexpected hwidth type
				raise TypeError("Unexpected argument type for 'hwidth'; must be either numeric or list-like of numerics of length 2")
		# continued fov parsing
		if isinstance(fov, dict):
			if ('fov-ra-center' in fov and 'fov-dec-center' in fov):
				# center fov method
				self.fov = {k:fov[k] for k in ['fov-ra-center', 'fov-dec-center']}

				if 'fov-ra-hwidth' in fov:
					self.fov['fov-ra-hwidth'] = fov['fov-ra-hwidth']

				if 'fov-dec-hwidth' in fov:
					self.fov['fov-dec-hwidth'] = fov['fov-dec-hwidth']
			elif ('fov-ra-lim' in fov and 'fov-dec-lim' in fov):
				# edge fov method - warn if hwidth defined
				self.fov = {k:fov[k] for k in ['fov-ra-lim', 'fov-dec-lim']}
				if hwidth is not None:
					warnings.warn("'hwidth' ignored when using an edge-based field of view")
				# fov missing some required fields
				raise ValueError("'fov' argument missing required keys")
			# fov type unexpected
			raise TypeError("Unexpected argument type for 'fov'; must be either SkyCoord or dictionary")


		if request:
			self.request = False
  • location (str or dict, required): The observer location. Can be an MPC observatory code string or a dictionary of the following formats specified in the API documentation: geodetic coordinates, parallax, geocentric state vector or heliocentric state vector.
  • obstime (numeric or time, required): The time of observation. Can be numeric in which case it is assumed to be a Julian date. Otherwise use a time object.
  • fov (SkyCoord or list-like of SkyCoord or dict, required): Field of view. Specify a center-based field of view with a SkyCoord or an edge based field of view with a list (of length 2) of SkyCoords.
  • hwidth (numeric or list-like, optional): Half width of the field of view (in degrees) when field of view specified by a center-based SkyCoord. If hwdith is a single numeric value both RA and DEC will have the same width. If hwidth is list-like the RA and DEC width will correspond to the first and second elements of the list respectively. API defaults to 0.5 if not specified. Ignored if not using a center-based field of view. default: None
  • precision ('low' or 'high', optional): Fidelity of the model used to calculate object position. 'low' is a two-body model, 'high' is a numerically integrated force model. default: 'high'
  • elem (bool, optional): When true return osculating orbital elements instead of RA and DEC. default: False
  • maglim (numeric, optional): Upper bound on the visual magnitude of the objects returned. default: None
  • magreq (bool, optional): Only return objects with defined visual magnitudes when true. default: True
  • filters (dict, optional): A dictionary that will be passed directly to the API as key=value pairs in order to support SBDB filtering as defined by the API documentation. default : None
  • request (bool, optional): When false the API URI is formed but the request is not made. default : True
#   API_VERSION = '1.0'

The API version this code expects from JPL.

#   def form_uri(self):
View Source
	def form_uri(self):
		Forms the URI from parameters specified by instantiation.

		base_uri = ""

		params = {}
		build = [self.location, self.obstime, self.fov, self.two_pass, self.suppress_first_pass, self.vmag_lim, 
						self.mag_required, self.req_elem]

		for b in build:
			if b is not None:

		self.uri = base_uri + urlencode(params)

		if self.filters is not None:
			self.uri = self.uri + "&" + urlencode(self.filters)

		return self.uri

Forms the URI from parameters specified by instantiation.

#   def read_uri(self):
View Source
	def read_uri(self):
		Makes the API request and checks for warnings or errors in the response.

		# read & set json
		response = requests.get(self.uri)
		json = response.json()
		self.json = json

		# report API error if one exists
		if 'code' in self.json:
			raise SystemError("API error: {}".format(self.json['message']))

		# warn if API version is unexpected
		ver = self.json['signature']['version']
		if ver != self.API_VERSION:
			version_warning = "Expected API version '{ev}' but response indicated version '{v}'. Unexpected behavior possible."

Makes the API request and checks for warnings or errors in the response.

#   def parse_json(self):
View Source
	def parse_json(self):
		Parses the json returned for the API and sets attributes for the objects returned.

		# make sure json exists
		if self.json is None:
			raise UnboundLocalError("No json to parse in API response")

		# report API warning if one exists
		if 'warning' in self.json:
			warnings.warn("API warning: {}".format(self.json['warning']))

		# set summary
		self.summary = self.json['summary']

		# set results to the most precise results present
		data_fields = ['data_second_pass', 'data_first_pass', 'elem_first_pass', 'elem_second_pass']
		for d in data_fields:
			if d in self.json:
				self.data_field = d

		# no data returned
		if self.data_field is None:

		# column fields depend on first or second pass selection
		if 'first' in self.data_field:
			col_field = 'fields_first'
			count_field = 'n_first_pass'
			col_field = 'fields_second'
			count_field = 'n_second_pass'

		# the actual json parse
		rows = self.json[self.data_field]
		columns = self.json[col_field]
		df = DataFrame(rows, columns=columns)
		results = Table.from_pandas(df)
		self.results = results

Parses the json returned for the API and sets attributes for the objects returned.

#   def make_request(self):
View Source
	def make_request(self):
		Make the API call and parse return.  Usually for when object instantiated with 'request=False' and thus no API request was made initially.


Make the API call and parse return. Usually for when object instantiated with 'request=False' and thus no API request was made initially.

def skycoord_to_jplstr(cls, c):
View Source
	def skycoord_to_jplstr(cls,c):
		Class method that converts a SkyCoord to a list with the JPL Small Body Identification RA and DEC strings.

		c : SkyCoord
			The SkyCoord that you want to convert to a JPL string.

		cstr = c.icrs.to_string('hmsdms', sep=":", precision=2)
		radec_jpl = cstr.replace('-','M').replace(':','-').split(' ')

		return radec_jpl

Class method that converts a SkyCoord to a list with the JPL Small Body Identification RA and DEC strings.

  • c (SkyCoord): The SkyCoord that you want to convert to a JPL string.